Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What was he thinking?

Sometimes I wish I could get into my kids' little heads and find out what the heck they were thinking. Yesterday I had one of those moments. Yesterday morning it was a little rainy and cold so I had the boys wear jeans to school. I just bought them new jeans for the school year since they outgrew all their old ones. So we picked up Trevon from the bus stop yesterday and he was wearing shorts. I looked a little closer and they were cut off shorts. That kid had cut the legs of his brand new Levi brand jeans off!! I was furious! I could not believe he did that! Did he think I wouldn't care? Did he think I wouldn't notice? I just don't understand what was going through his mind that made him do it. When I asked him why he said he got hot. I told him I hope he doesn't get too cold wearing those in the winter because I am not buying him anymore. So his punishment is he can't watch TV for a week and he has to read to Jackson 20 minutes each night. I just can't believe he cut the legs off of his jeans! This is definitely a story we will be telling his kids one day!


Jennifer said...

HOLY CRAP!! Where was his teacher?? Did she not notice that he was cutting his pants? That is crazy, I would have been pissed!!

Cassie said...

Seriously?! SERIOUSLY!?!?! Holy shiz, I'd have gone absolutely nuts on him! And where WAS his teacher? I'd probably want to go nuts on her too!

Amy said...

WOW!!! That is crazy. Yeah, where was the teacher? I don't blame you for being furious, I think he'd be lucky to be alive if he were mine.

Becky and Bryce said...

What the HECK!!!! I would have been FURIOUS. WOW!!!!! Hopefully he learned his lesson, I get angry enough when they were holes in the knee's in just 4 weeks!!!

Amber Hendrix said...

I'm sure you were SOOO mad! But, everytime I think of that story I just have to laugh! You just have to wonder...What was he thinkin?! I can laugh because it wasn't my kid with a new pair of jeans, but those days will come......Hope you're doing great!

Kaarina said...

Boys...ahhh! I am actually surprised those ghetto school scissors can cut through denim!

Tina said...

Oh my gosh- I would have been SOOO mad too. I loved your comeback when he said he was too hot! You are awesome and you know you will be laughing about this someday!!

Mother of Three said...

My question is where did he get the scissors and time to do it?? That is crazy! It sounds like you handled it very well! Extra mom points for you!

Kristyn said...

Sorry, but I got a good laugh from this one. I would have been furious too. Colby has cut many holes in his shirts, but not jeans so far. That will be a great story to retell.