Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Sorry this is a little late, but better late than never. This year for Halloween the boys were Jedis and Taylor was Princess Leia. I didn't see anything I liked in the stores so my mom helped me make these for the kids. THANKS MOM!! They turned out great.


Christy said...

Too cute! They look great! Some year I will get with it enough to have a matching set of costumes... or not. Way to go!

Aubrey said...

Those are Awesome, they all look great.

This Place is a Disaster! said...

That is so cute. We did Star Wars too this year. My husband wanted me to go as Amidalla, and I'm all child of MY day, "It's all about Leia! pfft - Amidalla? No way Hosea!"

mCat said...

So freakin CUTE! I love those darn kids of yours!
And you and Bri as well!
I've got you marked now, I'll be blurking daily!