Thursday, May 22, 2008

Tee Ball

This year I was a total slacker with the camera. These are the only two pictures I took all season! I am horrible! But I did bring the video camera to the last game and I took some video. So in my defense, that is why I have no still shots but these two. The boys did great and had a lot of fun as usual. Jackson got to be on the same team as Tanner. And Brian was the coach for Trevon's team. And as it turned out, even though the boys were on different teams, they played at the exact same time the entire season. In one aspect it was nice because we didn't have to spend two hours at the ball field each time. But on the other hand, I had to run back and forth to catch bits and pieces of each game. And Brian wasn't able to watch Jackson play a full game since he was coaching. All in all I think it worked out best this way. I really enjoy watching the boys learn and grow and have so much fun!

Trevon looks thrilled, doesn't he?


Jennifer said...

NICE, Trev. That is such a lame picture!