Thursday, July 17, 2008

We need your prayers!

Okay, so I have never been very good at expressing my feelings in words. So I am not going to try now. But tomorrow is going to be a HUGE day for me and my family. Tomorrow I donate my kidney to my good friend's husband. I am scared to death about the actual surgery, but I feel peace in my heart because I know this is what I am supposed to do. I pray that everything goes well and that both Tim and I will have a VERY speedy recovery. I would like to ask all of you to please keep us in your thoughts and prayers at this time. We really NEED them. Thank you to everyone who has offered help and support. This has not been an easy decision, but one that I can only hope will be rewarding to all involved. I know that my family and I will be blessed greatly. In fact a member of the transplant team told me yesterday that there is already a place in heaven reserved just for me! I hope she is right.

My best friend Jenn is going to be updating my blog throughout the day tomorrow so everyone knows how the surgery went and what the progress is. So check back tomorrow to see how we are doing. But in the meantime please please PRAY for us. Again thank you to everyone for your words of kindness and support. I LOVE YOU!!

I have found that among it's other benefits,

giving liberates the soul of the giver.

--Maya Angelou


Unknown said...

we will be thinking of you and Tim tomorrow. GOOD LUCK! Our prayers are with both families!!!

mommyoffour said...

Good luck Kim, you are definitely in our prayers and so is your family. I talked to Jenn tonight and she said that she would keep me updated. We love you and hope for a speedy recovery for both of you.

Angela said...

Good luck, Kim. We are thinking of you and praying for you. You are such an amazing, generous person.

Jennifer said...

I love you, girl! Jordan and I will be praying for you and Tim tonight and tomorrow and the rest of the week!

Samantha said...

You are amazing! Good luck with everything! You'll be in our prayers.

Jenny Groberg said...

Kim you don't know me but I'm a friend of Tim's and I wanted to check your blog to find out who this amazing woman is that is giving her kidney to him. You are really a hero. I hope that at some point in my life I will be able to do something as heroic as you are doing. Metaphorically speaking, to "lay down your life for a friend", what a gift. I hope you recover quickly!