Last night my mom and I took the kids to the festival of trees. I think it has become a tradition now since we have been the last three years. The kids always have a good time.
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Festival of Trees
Posted by kimberly at 4:56 PM 2 comments
High School Musical
The Saturday before Thanksgiving we took to kids to see high school musical on ice. We went with the Packers and the Lambs. Brian got us tickets in his company's suite. I think I had just as much fun as the kids did. You just can't help but sing along. Here are some pictures from that night and also getting ice cream afterwards. This was the "normal" face picture. You can see how well that turned out.
That's Jackson for ya.
Posted by kimberly at 4:41 PM 0 comments
Game Night with the Lambs
Just before Thanksgiving the Lambs came over to watch the Jazz game and then afterwards, we played games with the kids. We had a blast playing DDR and guitar hero. It is so great to have such good friends. It is nice to be able to have the kids play together with only the occasional fight. Brian has told me that one of his greatest fears about moving is that we will loose some of our great friendships we have made. I told him that that won't happen because I won't let it. So all of you reading this WE HAVE TO STAY IN TOUCH NO MATTER WHAT!! They are quite the dancers
Posted by kimberly at 4:29 PM 0 comments
Total Slacker
I can't believe it has been so long since my last blog. I didn't even finish my gratitude journal. I have been so busy with everything these days, I just haven't taken the time to sit down at the computer. Oh well, at least I am writing now. We have had an eventful few weeks, nothing to exciting or spectacular, we just seem to stay very busy. Basketball season has started for Brian so he is one very busy guy. But we love to go to his games so it is not so bad. This is Taylor at one of Brian's basketball games. She is stretching like the cheerleaders do.
Jackson is just like his dad, he loves his beverages. He loves his so much, he took it to bed with him.
Posted by kimberly at 4:09 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Gratitude Day #12,13,& 14
I know, I know I am a total slacker so here are nine things.
I am thankful for.....
1.Taylor's cute laugh. I love it when little kids laugh, especially when it is that REAL laugh deep down in their bellies. I can't get enough of it.
2. My vacuum. I got a new vacuum last year and I really like it. Not that I really enjoy vacuuming, but it is something that needs to be done, so to have a good vacuum sure helps.
3. Spending time with my husband and kids. We went to high school musical the ice tour on Saturday night. We had a total blast. I will post more about this later.
4. Brian's continuing success at work. He just got a promotion yesterday. His new title is Vice President of Targeted Publications. He is really excited as am I. It will be a lot of work, but he is looking forward to something new and different. I am so proud of him.
5. Music. I love to listen to it all the time. When I am in the car, or cleaning the house, or anytime.
6. Movies. I love to go to the movies. Last night my mom and sister and I took the kids to see Mr. Magoriums wonder emporium. It wasn't my favorite movie, but I still enjoyed going. I can't wait to see Enchanted when it comes out tomorrow.
7.High thread count sheets. Once you go up you will never go back.
8. Slurpees. I had to copy you Jenn, I can't believe I didn't think of slurpees. I have to have one at least once a week. How can anyone survive without slurpees.
9. Tax returns. I hate to pay taxes, but at least we can look forward to getting that little bit back each year. We just got ours back just in time for Christmas ( we had to file an extension back in April)
Posted by kimberly at 11:37 AM 1 comments
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Gratitude Day #11
I am thankful for....
1. Game night with the Lambs. Last night the Lambs came over and we watched the Jazz game and then played games with the kids. We had a blast playing DDR and guitar hero. Trevon said it was one of the funnest days of his life! I am so grateful to have such good friends.
2. The DVD player in the car. It helps to much to keep the kids entertained while we run errands in the car.
3. Jackson's sense of humor. Jackson is such a character and he is always saying things that totally crack us up. The other day I was talking to my cousin Shannon and I was telling her how Jackson was a little mini Brian, and Jackson turned to us and said " yeah, but I'm funnier". And then the other day he was sad ( I can't remember why) and he told me his" feelings were broke into pieces too small for a mouse". I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.
Posted by kimberly at 12:01 PM 2 comments
Friday, November 16, 2007
Gratitude Days #9 & #10
Okay, I know I am a slacker...... so here are six more things I am thankful for.
I am thankful for.....
1. My calculator. I hate math and I always have, so my calculator is by best friend. Especially when I am shopping and I can figure out the % off on the clearance rack.
2. Milk. I love to drink milk and so do all my kids (not Brian). I think we go through at least a gallon a day. There is nothing better than an ice cold glass of milk. And it is good for you unlike most other foods and beverages I like.
3. Ebay. I love to shop on ebay. I just bought a few things for Christmas and two pairs of jeans for me. I love it!! (I think I might be addicted)
4.Good smelly things. To clarify I mean candles and oils and stuff. I love to have my house smell pretty.
5.Kids who are entertained pretty easily. It helps me get a lot of things done when the kids can entertain themselves. I don't even know why we buy them toys sometimes, they are just as happy with a cardboard box. They can play for hours with it.
6.Being able to pay all my bills online. I do not miss the days of writing out a million checks and putting them in the mail every month. Most of our bills just automatically come out of our account on a scheduled day. This is such a huge convenience, and it saves me so much time and even a little money because I don't have to buy checks or stamps.
Posted by kimberly at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Gratitude Day #8
I am thankful for....
1. My computer.
2. The garage door opener. What a pain that would be to have to get in and out of the car every time.
3. A really good book.
Posted by kimberly at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Gratitude Day #7
I am thankful for....
1. The mountains. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful state. The mountains are so gorgeous I just love to be able to look out my window and see the magnificent scenery that surrounds us. And when I am gone even for a few days I find myself missing them.
2. Nail polish. I love to paint my nails. I think it is relaxing for me or something. I probably paint my nails at least once or twice a week. Ever since I can remember I have been a nail biter. My mom said she even took me to the pediatrician because as soon as I had teeth I was biting my nails. It is a gross habit and I hated it, but I would bite them and not even realize what I was doing. I was so embarrassed by my hands I hated to even take the sacrament in church because I didn't want anyone to see my nails. I think it was about my senior year in high school I finally overcame that habit, but not all the way. I had one thumb nail that I would still bite, I called it my support nail. These days I am a lot better I actually have nails, but I still to this day pick at my cuticles a lot. So I think the whole painting my nails thing gives me something to do other than bite my nails. Every few days I pick off all the polish and then repaint them. I think painting is better than biting.
3. Employment. I am so thankful that Brian has a job and one that he even likes ( well most of the time). He is busy and some days we don't see him a whole lot, but we are so fortunate to have a steady income.
Posted by kimberly at 1:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Gratitude Day #6
I am thankful for.....
1. Date night with my husband and no kids. Tonight Brian and I are going to the Jazz game. We get to go in his company suite. I am so looking forward to it, we should have a fun and relaxing night ( as long as they win).
2. Food. I love food. There is nothing more enjoyable to me than eating a really good meal. And I am especially thankful for food that is served to me at a restaurant. I love going out to dinner, I don't really like to cook so I always look forward to going out to eat. (This might explain why I am 40 pounds heavier now than when I got married)
3. My hair dryer. Last week my hairdryer died and of course it died just as I began to dry my hair. I had to let it air dry and run to walmart to buy another one. I know this is silly, but it is a staple of mine in my morning routine. It messed up my whole day and my hair was so bad I had to wear a hat.
Posted by kimberly at 4:37 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Gratitude Day #4 & #5
I had a feeling I wouldn't be able to post everyday, and I was right. But to make up for it here are six things that I am grateful for.
I am thankful for.......
1. My mom. She is my best friend. I don't know what I would do without my mom. For one I might have to actually PAY a babysitter if it weren't for my mom. She babysits my kids for me all the time, and you have no idea how much I appreciate that. Even when it is a last minute thing she is always there when I need her. I love you and thank you mom!!
2. My two little boys. I know I already said I was thankful for my family, but I thought I would get a little more specific. When Brian and I decided to start a family I was a lot more ready than he was. I did succeed in convincing him that if we waited until the circumstances were perfect we would never have a baby, because perfect timing just doesn't exist. Anyways, I knew that Brian REALLY wanted a boy, so when we found out that Trevon was a boy I honestly felt relief. The pressure was off because he had his boy. I know this probably sounds silly, but I was so happy that we had a boy first. I think it helped Brian feel a less petrified about becoming a dad. Then when baby number two was also a boy I think both of us felt relief. Brian, because he had another boy and me, because since they were born in the same month it would save us a lot of money on clothes and other baby stuff.
3. My little princess. I think most of you know about our shocking surprise that we now call Taylor. She was a very very unexpected addition to our family. I had and IUD in place when I got pregnant with her. I didn't even find out I was pregnant until I was almost 14 weeks along! They did and ultrasound that day and I was expecting to see a little dot pulsing on the screen, but there was a whole baby there. It was crazy. The ultrasound tech even guessed that it was a girl. But now that she is here I cannot even imagine life without her. I didn't think I wanted to have a girl because I grew up with four sisters and no brothers (my poor dad) and being a girl myself, I wasn't so sure if I wanted to raise one. But I love it, and I love her. Girls are so much fun, everyone should have at least one little girl.
4. Brian's homemade strawberry milkshakes. They are the best!!
5. Digital cameras. I love my digital camera. I love to see the picture as soon as I take it and to not have to wait until the film is developed.
6. Contact lenses. I wish that my vision was 20/20, but until I get lasik surgery that is not possible. But I am thankful that I can wear contacts instead of glasses. I hate wearing glasses!
Posted by kimberly at 5:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, November 09, 2007
Gratitude Day #3
I am thankful for.....
1. Jumper cables, and a neighbor who knows how to use them. This morning when I went to take Trevon to school the battery on the car was dead. My fantastic neighbor Jared was fortunately home and he came over and helped me roll the car out of the garage and get it started. Thank you so much Jared, you were a lifesaver!
2. My cell phone. How did we ever survive without them?
3. This beautiful weather we are having. I just love this time of year when you can leave your windows open and let the breeze go through the house. And the kids can still play outside for a little while after school but before it gets too dark. I have to enjoy it while I can because pretty soon the ground will be covered in snow.
Posted by kimberly at 2:59 PM 2 comments
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Gratitude Day #2
I am thankful for.....
1. Having the three most beautiful and fantastic kids in the whole wide world. ( I am a little biased, but I really believe I got the three best.) They have their moments, but don't we all?
2. My health and the health of my family.
3. Taking piano lessons when I was young. I know that I am far from a concert pianist, but I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to take piano lessons and learn the basics. Along with this I am also very thankful for my calling as the relief society pianist. I have been forced to practice and I have learned and improved so much!!
Posted by kimberly at 12:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Gratitude Journal
I got this idea from a friend's blog and I decided to copy it. I want to invite everybody to join me in a gratitude countdown until Thanksgiving. But there are rules:
Posted by kimberly at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 04, 2007
The Jazz Bear
Brian and I took the two boys to the Jazz game last night. As always, we had a great time. We were running a little late ( I know that is a total shock to most of you) The first quarter had already started we decided to get a drink and popcorn before we sat down. Brian and Trevon went to the bathroom and Jackson and I stood in line at the concession stand. As we were waiting the Jazz bear came down the hall and when he saw Jackson he stopped and pulled out his silly string and sprayed it all over him. He was so excited, we both thought that was pretty awesome. Just then Brian and Trevon came out of the restroom. Trevon started helping Jackson pull the string off of him. Then Trevon saw the bear coming back our direction and he asked if he could go say hi. The Bear saw him coming and saw me with my camera , so he motioned for Jackson to come over and they posed for a picture. It didn't even matter if the Jazz won or not because the bear totally made their entire night. (and by the way they did win 133 to 110) And the excitement didn't stop there. We actually caught one of those little foam balls that they throw up into the stands. Jackson was jumping up and down saying " They never throw these to us, but we got one!! We got one!!" We had so much fun and Jackson didn't even fall asleep.
Posted by kimberly at 4:43 PM 1 comments
Just some pictures
I just wanted to post a few pictures that I have taken over the past week or so. They made me giggle so I thought I would share them.
Taylor the fashion designer. ( I hope not!)
Posted by kimberly at 4:31 PM 3 comments
Well, Halloween was fun, but I am so glad that it is finally over. It seems as though we have been celebrating Halloween for over a week between the school parties and the ward party and then finally the actual day. My kids have more candy than they could ever eat. I will for sure be making a very generous donation to the festival of trees this year. I totally agree with my friend Leslie's view of Halloween. I also hate to spend money on costumes that are only worn for a few hours. And I don't like to have all this candy around the house (mostly because I want to eat all of it). But it sure is fantastic to see how excited the kids get. I love to see their faces light up as their bags are filled with candy. I love to watch them play dress up in their costumes. I had to tell Jackson on a couple of occasions that it was now time to take the costume off. I think he would be happy to be flash everyday. I also love to see them at school with all their little friends. and to watch the program that they worked so hard to put on for all the parents. So even though Halloween is not one of my favorite holidays, I still love it because my kids love it, and if it makes them happy, then it makes me happy.
The kids sure worked up an appetite. Here they are eating pizza, I just liked the look on Taylor's face
Posted by kimberly at 3:56 PM 3 comments