Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Gratitude Day #7

I am thankful for....

1. The mountains. We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful state. The mountains are so gorgeous I just love to be able to look out my window and see the magnificent scenery that surrounds us. And when I am gone even for a few days I find myself missing them.

2. Nail polish. I love to paint my nails. I think it is relaxing for me or something. I probably paint my nails at least once or twice a week. Ever since I can remember I have been a nail biter. My mom said she even took me to the pediatrician because as soon as I had teeth I was biting my nails. It is a gross habit and I hated it, but I would bite them and not even realize what I was doing. I was so embarrassed by my hands I hated to even take the sacrament in church because I didn't want anyone to see my nails. I think it was about my senior year in high school I finally overcame that habit, but not all the way. I had one thumb nail that I would still bite, I called it my support nail. These days I am a lot better I actually have nails, but I still to this day pick at my cuticles a lot. So I think the whole painting my nails thing gives me something to do other than bite my nails. Every few days I pick off all the polish and then repaint them. I think painting is better than biting.

3. Employment. I am so thankful that Brian has a job and one that he even likes ( well most of the time). He is busy and some days we don't see him a whole lot, but we are so fortunate to have a steady income.